Sep 4, 2023Liked by Dr. Jim Salvucci, Graley Herren

Cheer up folks. There’s a great group of younger people doing excellent work on Dylan though not necessarily in academia and certainly using different media. Ray Padgett, Rebecca Slaman, Harry Hewitt, Laura Tenschert, Evan Laffer and Ian Grant on The Jokermen, Paul Haney at the Dylan Review, and Sean Latham’s student Nathan Blue are names that come to mind. Evan and Ian hosted a showing of Masked and Anonymous with Larry Charles in Los Angeles a few weeks ago that sold out and followed it up with a 50th anniversary screening of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid along with their Never Ending Stories partner Steven Hyde. Most of these folks are in their 20s and 30s and have a whole different view of reaching people. Margo Price is 40 and has covered lots of Dylan for a whole different audience. And of course risking scorn I have to mention Timothee Chalamet and the potential impact of A Complete Unknown to create a new audience.

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